European elections: Irish and Czechs head to the polls

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European elections: Irish and Czechs head to the polls

It is Ireland and Czechia’s turn to vote. Yesterday, the Dutch expressed their support for the Green and Left coalition, with the right-wing PVV party, led by Geert Wilders, close behind. Euronews brings you all the live updates and analysis, including the first exit polls.


Over the next four days, more than 350 million voters in 27 EU countries will go to the polls to choose who represents them in the European Parliament over the next five years.

Euronews’ Poll Centre predicts a rightward shift in many EU countries with far-right parties across the continent on course for historic gains.

The outcome of the vote should influence who takes the helm at the European institutions in Brussels – including the Commission and the Council – determining the political course of the European Union over the next five years.

The election will also take the political temperature across EU countries and reflect the public’s stance on crucial issues such as climate change and the future of the European Green Deal, economic recovery post-COVID-19, migration, and the EU’s role on the global stage.

Stay tuned with us during the European Parliament elections to get live updates, original stories and analysis from Brussels and the European capitals until Monday!

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