How to Find Your Personal Style: 12 Great Tips to Develop Your Style

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How to Find Your Personal Style: 12 Great Tips to Develop Your Style

Have you ever seen someone rock casual outfits online, but you somehow feel you won’t pull it off the same way?

In fashion, an individual’s style differs according to body shape, style personality, and sense of style. Many people also take their time to figure out their own style because they see it as a form of self-expression. The fact that you can make a statement with your style without uttering a word is even more intriguing.

You can keep making impulse purchases on shopping sprees. You can also hop on several fashion trends. But unless you find your own style, you will continue to dress in the wrong way.

For many of us, choosing a personal style took a lot of errors and mastery. You may find a piece of clothing, and you’re so convinced that it’s the perfect one until you realize it isn’t. In the end, you’re left with a wardrobe full of variety but nothing to wear.

If you’re still finding it hard to figure out a style aesthetic that best defines you, then this blog post is for you. We’ve put together 12 great tips that will help you find your personal style.

Let’s dive right in.


Pick a style aesthetic that resonates with you on a deeper level

Style aesthetic refers to the types of clothes and accessories that you find appealing to you. Finding a personal style requires embracing a unique blend of colors, patterns, and textures that reflect your personality. You should select colors that best suit your skin color and designs that you can style effortlessly with elegance.

Before picking a personal style that will represent you, take your time to try out different looks to know which best suits you. If you also want to develop a signature look, you should consider something trendy and timeless. Your comfort is also crucial because you want to feel good in your personal style.

Let your body type guide your clothing choices

Knowing your shape and what fits is essential to selecting a wardrobe. Although there are no hard rules to what you choose to wear, understanding your body type makes buying clothes much easier if you’re shopping alone.

Knowing your body type helps you identify clothing styles that flatter your natural shape. Different body types may look better in certain silhouettes, so understanding yours allows you to accentuate your best features and create a balanced look.

Embrace fashion as a form of self-expression

The moment you start seeing fashion as a form of self-expression, the more intentional you will be about selecting a style.

You need to ask yourself how you want to be perceived through your personal style. Do you want to come off as bold and vibrant or subtle and understated?

You can also embark on a style journey to discover your own sense of style. Cultivate a sense of individuality by choosing clothing that resonates with your personal tastes rather than conforming to trends.

Create a mood board for style inspiration

Pinterest is an app you can use to create a mood board for style inspiration. You can start by pinning several pieces of clothing without actually buying them. The point is to properly visualize your personal style to discover which style, color, or pattern best resonates with you.

With mood boards, you can visualize an outfit to see if you like it or if you only like how it feels on the model’s body. Bear in mind that your mood board inspiration will be translated into wardrobe choices.

Draw inspiration from your favorite celebrities

There is no doubt that the fashion industry will always influence our clothing choices. Feel free to draw inspiration from your favorite celebrities and style icons. While it is important to stay true to our personal style amidst industry trends, you can analyze elements of their style that resonate with you.

Young beautiful stylish girl walking and posing in white dress and pink coat in city . Outdoor summer portrait of young classy woman in sunglasses stock photo

Remove irrelevant clothes from your wardrobe 

Decluttering your wardrobe is one of the most crucial stages in creating your personal style. You can do this bit by bit until you have carefully sorted through your clothes. Give away or sell anything you don’t wear frequently or that you don’t enjoy.

Your closet should be filled with things you adore and that suit you well. This will guarantee that you always look your best and make getting dressed in the morning easier for you.

Consider the core outfits you can’t do without

Evaluating the clothes you wear in your everyday life will bring you a step closer to finding your personal style. When you take your time to identify the core staples in your wardrobe, you’ll understand what works for you.

Check through your clothes to find out your favorite style aesthetics, and use them to create a wardrobe that perfectly reflects your personal style.

Build a capsule wardrobe that reflects your style

Once you’ve finally discovered your personal style, the first step is to start shopping to develop a capsule wardrobe that includes quality pieces to create outfits that reflect your profile.

Here’s how you can develop a capsule wardrobe that reflects your style aesthetics:

personal style

Invest in Quality Pieces

When it comes to building a capsule wardrobe, prioritizing quality fashion over fast fashion trends is key. You want your closet to include classic pieces, versatile pieces, and essentials that will help you achieve effortless fashion.

If you want to create your own personal style, these pieces are must-haves:

Your Classic Pieces

This should include a pair of jeans, a long sleeve, a white button-down shirt, a blazer, and black outfits that accentuate your body type.

Classic outfits are forever in fashion, which makes them a key addition to your closet. Classic wear is timeless and versatile, making it a good fit for your closet. You don’t want to exclude matching accessories such as leather shoes and handbags. 

A Black Dress

Wearing a black dress is perfect for any occasion because it is a timeless piece. You can also match them with several styles to make a bolder statement.

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Quality Pants for a Chic Style

Regardless if it is high-waisted pants or loose pants, pants are essentials you want to include as part of your personal style. You don’t have to stick to neutral colors alone. You can also add a pair of printed pants with black and white colors.

Pants are comfortable to wear for a relaxed and comfortable everyday outfit. You can also use them to add a touch of casual chic to your outfit.

Master the Art of Mix-and-Match With Your Style Aesthetic

A perfectly curated capsule wardrobe must include a balance between several patterns and textures. This allows you to try out several pieces that complement your personal style. Experiment with different lengths and textures, combining jackets, cardigans, scarves, or even unconventional layering pieces to breathe life into your ensemble.

Be Intentional About Your Accessories

If you haven’t included accessories in your wardrobe, then you should start now. Adding accessories to your closet can transform an outfit and tie diverse elements together. Experiment with belts, scarves, hats, or statement jewelry to add a personal touch and create cohesion within your closet.

You need statement pieces that suit your personal style. You can start by adding a few statement items to add more life to the clothes you wear. Statement pieces such as bold jewelry, a bright handbag, and quality shoes.

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Assess your personal style with a style quiz

You can take a style quiz to help you discover your unique style. To develop a style profile for you, they’ll inquire about your likes, dislikes, and personality.

The quiz will include a series of questions about your tastes to help you determine your personal style based on your personality, preferences, and body type. 

Work with a professional stylist for tailored guidance

Figuring out your personal style can be daunting when you don’t have a proper guide. You might need a professional to help you put this guide to good use because they have all it takes to help you get started.

Here are some of the reasons why you should consult a fashion stylist:

Insight into Your Ideal Style Profile

Personal stylists have this unique ability to create a better style for individuals just by taking a look at their current style. It’s fine if you still haven’t figured out if you should go for neutral colors or a bold color. A personal stylist will help you gain a deeper insight into your personality.

Personalized Fashion Tips

Your personal stylist will offer more personalized fashion tips based on your personality, preferred style, and body type. Fashion goes beyond just putting clothes on because it also has a lot to do with your confidence. Your stylist will guide you through picking the right outfit choices that reflect who you are.

Saves Money and Time

With the proper guidance from a stylist, you won’t have to worry about shopping for the wrong clothes that you can’t wear in the long run. A stylist will help you save money. For example, a stylist will help you decide on timeless pieces that you can invest in.

Shopping is meant to be fun. After all, you get to dress up and try out new outfits. However, it is fine if fashion isn’t your passion. A personal stylist can help you save time, so you won’t have to worry about what to wear every single day.

Use the three-word method when shopping

Do you have a word that defines your style? If you do, then this method is for you. The three-word approach allows you to pick three words that you would use to describe your personal style.

You might want your personal style to be timeless, bold, and bright, or it could be cool, elevated, and cozy. Look for the right words to describe your personal style, and let them guide you when you are shopping for clothes.

Invest in a tailor 

tailor, mannequin, fashion

Whatever outfit you are wearing is supposed to fit into your preferred range of styles. A professional tailor is your hidden weapon for always looking the best in your style.

Your dress should fit you like a glove if it is well-tailored. A tailor can produce a unique fit by adjusting sleeves, taking in waistlines, and adjusting hems to make even inexpensive garments appear upscale.

Wrapping Up

Finding your personal style may take a lot of time, but you’ll eventually be proud of yourself when you know your style. We’ve explored 12 great tips that’ll help you find your personal style. From picking a style aesthetic and understanding your body type to creating a mood board and working with a personal stylist. These tips are top-notch and will help you gain confidence in your sense of style.

Always ensure to ask yourself the right questions before shopping for any outfit. You can curate a wish list of styles that resonate with you to buy whenever you want to shop, rather than making impulsive purchases.

Finding your personal style has a lot to do with making the right outfit choices that make you feel more comfortable. Therefore, you have to keep it moderate when picking outfits for your personal style. You don’t want your wardrobe clogged with clothes you won’t end up wearing.

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