Seoul activists develop ‘smart balloons’ to send messages deep into North Korea

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Seoul activists develop 'smart balloons' to send messages deep into North Korea

SEOUL: In the balloon warfare between North Korea and South Korean activists, one Seoul-based group has honed its tech expertise to develop balloons capable of dispersing leaflets and electronic speakers hundreds of kilometres across the border.

Built using 3D printers and components sourced online and sometimes equipped with GPS-tracking, these so-called “smart balloons” can cost up to US$1,000 each.

Once or twice a month from spring to autumn, when favourable winds blow north, the secretive group flies the balloons – mostly under the cover of darkness. The aim is to drop cargoes deeper into North Korea, including over the capital Pyongyang, with the longer ranges now possible. One balloon has flown as far as China.

“Our smart balloons are expensive but we think they’re a hundred times more powerful than balloons flown by other groups,” said one member of the group, called “The Committee for Reform and Opening up of Joson”. Joson is another word for North Korea.

The group, which has some 30 core members and is funded by members’ own finances and donations, has not previously detailed its activities to the media.

Balloon tactics have taken centre stage in the frosty relationship between the two Koreas since late last month. North Korea, in recent years a rare deployer of balloons, has sent more than 1,000 south – most laden with garbage and some with what appeared to be animal faeces.

That has ratcheted up tensions between the countries, which technically remain at war after the 1950-1953 Korean War ended in an armistice agreement and not a peace treaty. South Korea on Sunday resumed loudspeaker broadcasts directed at the North for the first time since 2018.

How effective the balloons are is a matter of debate, with no independent verification possible of where they land or what average North Koreans might think about the contents.

A second member of the group said he was encouraged by Pyongyang’s anger over balloons from South Korea, saying it shows that activists’ balloons and their payloads are having an effect.

The group’s members declined to be identified, worried about harassment from South Koreans critical of such activists, a potential crackdown by South Korean authorities or reprisals by North Korean agents.

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